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Pharma-Dharma - Concept Explored

Pharma in Latin & Greek denotes medicine or drug. The use of the word “Pharma” was expanded in the early 90’s to include pharma companies as an industry. Dharma in Sanskrit and Pali (Ancient Eastern Languages) means righteousness,principles,right path all leading to to dispense social justice to universal community.Dharma is still an evolving one.

How do we conceive Pharma-Dharma as a concept? We have a social message to offer. We have a concept leading to an evolutionary process of sharing thoughts and solutions in public domain where the medical fraternity of doctors, pharmacists, medical students, institutions, hospitals, the pharma industry leaders shall participate in a forum to discuss cost effective medicine and health care and find solutions for the benefit of society at large. This exercise will involve global community including leaders from governments, social organizations, professional groups and citizens.

What is our purpose?

Our purpose is to advocate cheaper, affordable medicine and health care to world community.

Why are the costs high? What are the alternatives? I am sure we have new ideas. Let us discuss generic medicine, lifesaving drugs and hospital care, alternative medicine, medication vs meditation,spiritual therapy respectively in each area and the roles of constituents to bring a positive change to our goal or mission.

A forum for expression, a blog space to share ideas will be the initial mode of our communication. Expansion will become part of this evolutionary process. We will need a charter, we will need a structure to support the expansion of our thoughts to establish a social network around the globe, mainly focusing on availability of medicine and health care at economical costs. Our further expansion may lead to formation of self-sustainable community health centers. We as a global community may come up with new projects to support. We have planted the seeds. Now we nurture them to germinate and grow.

I welcome your thoughts and suggestions on the subject. Good Luck.

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